We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, the Lord who called Abraham and promised to bless all nations through his offspring, who delivered Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand and gave them the Law through Moses to light their way, who anointed David in order to establish a kingdom that would never end, who raised up the prophets to preach both judgment and salvation, who so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that whoever believes in him might have eternal life: a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger,
and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, who, being in very nature God, emptied himself, born of Mary and baptized by John in the Jordan River to unite himself to the creation, who in word and deed fulfilled the prophets’ promise of the coming kingdom, who—though sinless—was crucified, died, and was buried, and on the third day was raised, who ascended to the Father and is reigning now at the right hand of God, who shall come to judge the living and the dead: the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and the Giver of Life, who brooded over the waters at creation, who overshadowed Mary’s womb, who descended on Christ at his baptism to guide and empower him in his life, death, and resurrection, who fell like fire on the apostles at Pentecost, who inspired the Scriptures, who provides strength and direction to the Church, who is given to you by God in this baptism to sanctify you, to seal you in Christ, and to dwell within you as the pledge of your inheritance: God forever, glorious in splendor and might.
With all Christians, we believe in the one true God who is revealed by his Holy Spirit in the goodness of creation, in the words of inspired prophets and biblical writers, in the worship and shared life of his chosen people, and most fully and completely in Jesus Christ. To him be glory and honor forever and ever.
We believe that God our Father is the creator of all things visible and invisible and that in him “all things live and move and have their being.” This God chose to reveal himself to the people of Israel, to call them and to save them, to make everlasting covenants of love and faithfulness with them, and through them to bless all nations of the earth.
We believe that the eternal Word of God was made flesh by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin, Mary and lived among us as the human, Jesus of Nazareth. We confess that Jesus is the Son of God, light from light, true God from true God, of the same nature as the Father, and that he is also fully human, like us in every way except without sin and thereby able to serve as our great high priest. He made manifest the Kingdom of God in his sinless life and earthly ministry by teaching, healing, and overcoming evil wherever he went. But he was rejected and crucified. He died and was buried, but on the third day, he rose again from the dead and appeared to many, just as God had indicated in the Scriptures. By his death and resurrection, he demonstrated the perfect love of God, paid the debt for all sin, and defeated the powers of death and evil. For forty days thereafter, he presented himself alive to his apostles, eating with them, walking with them, and speaking about the Kingdom of God which shall have no end. He then ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God, his Father where he reigns as Lord and King. He has promised that he will return again to judge both the living and the dead.
We believe that God has not left us alone but has sent us the Holy Spirit, God’s personal presence, the Lord, and giver of life, the blessed seal of our salvation, by whom we are made holy. The Spirit of God dwells within us, convicting us of sin, bearing the fruits of virtue and godliness in our lives, and empowering us in the face of suffering.
We believe in the one holy universal Church established by Christ, founded upon the apostolic teaching, and enduring forever. The Church acknowledges one baptism for the remission of sins and one holy meal wherein we remember Christ, commune with him, and proclaim his death until he comes again. We proclaim the resurrection of the dead and the renewal of all things in the world to come, and we see this hope made real in us today by the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church. Though false teachings, immorality, and divisions have plagued her from the earliest years, the Church nevertheless remains the radiant bride of Christ whom he washes and cleanses from every stain until she is perfected and glorified with Him.
Christian Unity
Churches of Christ are a non-denominational group of Christians. The special plea of the Restoration Movement, of which churches of Christ are a part, is for Christians to unify around the clear teachings at the heart of the Scriptures in order to overcome the denominational divisions into which the Church had splintered. Presbyterians like Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone renounced their denominational titles and loyalties and claimed to be “Christians only” without claiming to be “the only Christians.” That is, they did not deny the authentic faith of other Christian groups, but they did call them to band together and be simply Christians. Though we appreciate the faith and ministry of the leaders in the Restoration Movement and though we acknowledge and honor the tradition from which we come, our identity as a church is not rooted in Campbell or Stone but in Christ and the apostles. We encourage those of other traditions within Christianity to follow this example – honoring our particular histories and fathers in the faith, but claiming no name or mark of identity other than Christ and the gospel.
Churches of Christ believe in the power of the Bible to unite Christians and we have emphasized the simplicity and clarity of the biblical message while acknowledging and appreciating its complexity and depth. Scripture is like a sparkling mountain lake – so clear that its contents are readily available to anyone who looks within it, but so deep that one could peer into it for a lifetime and never see the bottom. We believe that the simple message of the gospel has the power to unite all Christians together even as it allows for diversity of opinions on issues which are not core to the Christian faith, so a maxim honored in our movement has been, “In matters of doctrine, let there be unity. In matters of opinion, let there be liberty. In all things, let there be love.”
Simplicity in Worship
This emphasis on the Bible and simplicity extends to our worship services as well. We do not have a collection of prescribed prayers, but encourage all members to speak to God faithfully, humbly, and simply from the heart. Sermons are drawn from the biblical text and seek to connect the message of Scripture with our lives today. Most noticeable to visitors is our simple congregational singing. We do not use instrumental accompaniment with our singing but follow the example of the early church by “speaking to one another in songs, hymns, and spiritual songs.” The emphasis in the New Testament is placed upon the words we sing and the hearts from which we make melody to the Lord. Thus, we call for all of the congregation to sing together and to sing from the heart. Though an orchestra or a choir could surely create music which the world would appreciate more, we believe that there is nothing more beautiful than all of God’s people – whether they are gifted singers or not – joining their voices together worshipping God and encouraging one another in song.
The Importance of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Baptism, a word which means to immerse in water, is one of the two most sacred ritual acts in which Christians participate. Paul teaches us in the book of Romans that baptism both symbolizes and enacts a death, burial and resurrection. It is the rite by which the new Christian is united to Christ’s death and resurrection by dying to himself or herself and being raised again to a new life in Christ. Jesus told us that we must all be born again of water and the Spirit if we are to see the Kingdom of God. Baptism is that new birth to which he refers. In the first gospel sermon, Peter told those who wished to be saved to, “repent and be baptized every one of you for the remission of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” In his first epistle, Peter writes that we are saved by baptism, not simply because it washes our bodies, but because it is our pledge and covenant with God. Thus, when a person wishes to put on Christ in baptism, he or she also makes a public confession of Christ’s lordship and a commitment to him. But baptism is much more than simply a symbol of our own submission to Christ. It is a real and effective encounter with him. The waters carry no special power or significance in and of themselves, but God in Christ makes himself present in the waters of baptism by the power of the Spirit and accomplishes the saving work for the new Christian there.
The second sacred ritual of the Church is called by many names – the breaking of bread, communion, the Lord’s Supper, and Eucharist, as well as many others. In it, Christians eat unleavened bread and drink “the fruit of the vine “ (wine or grape juice) in remembrance of Jesus just as he commanded his disciples to do. In churches of Christ, all of those who have put on Christ in baptism take communion every Sunday. It is a meal which feeds the soul rather than the body, a holy memorial in which we think back to the cross and the sacrifice that Jesus made there. It is also, as Paul teaches, a participation in the body and blood of Christ. That is, Christ joins us as we take the elements of the Lord’s Supper uniting us to himself and to each other. In taking the Lord’s Supper, Christians show Christ’s death to themselves and to the world until he comes again.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are holy rituals which show forth the gospel message of Christ’s death and resurrection, unite believers to the Lord, and sustain the life of the Church. Churches of Christ place a strong emphasis on them in our teaching and preaching as well as in our regular worship services. And so, every Lord’s Day we partake of communion and extend an invitation to anyone who wishes to be baptized.
Church Leadership
Churches of Christ are led by local elders who are also called shepherds, pastors, bishops, or overseers. There is no central governing body or office which exerts control over multiple congregations. Rather, like the earliest churches we find in Scripture, each congregation is led by those godly men who are, “above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, gentle, peace-loving, and generous.” These leaders must demonstrate godly management of their own households and must not be new converts to the faith. The elders oversee their congregation’s spiritual growth as well as the needs and business that accompany the sustaining of any large organization. They come together regularly as a body to pray, to meet with members or interested visitors, and to address issues pertinent to the congregation.
Other leaders in the congregation include deacons (servants who work with and under the elders to carry out the ministries of the local church), the preacher, and the youth minister. The preacher has the responsibilities of evangelizing, teaching, encouraging, and exhorting the congregation. He may also serve as an elder or deacon. Though many preachers in churches of Christ have full-time jobs outside of church, generally the preacher’s career is devoted to ministry, and he is therefore available for personal Bible studies, counseling, etc. throughout the week. Depending on the size and needs of an individual congregation, the church may also employ ministers for youth, singles, families, outreach, etc.
While those holding a particular office and meeting a specific set of qualifications lead the church, we believe in the priesthood of all believers. All Christians are called to active involvement in the work of the church whether that be spreading the gospel, serving those in need, visiting the sick and those in prison, or setting an example of godliness in the community. Many of the members of our congregations who hold no particular office serve as teachers in our Bible classes, servants in the congregation and the community, and leaders during our worship assemblies.
Our church family here at Beebe
We have a number of ministries and programs which are ongoing here at the Beebe church of Christ. We offer Bible classes for all ages every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. The goal of our education program is to help both children and adults to know, understand, and live out the word of God more completely. We have wonderful youth programs. The T.F.F.S. group is for those in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades and the 7ups is for students in 7th through 12th grades. We are also involved in benevolence work in the community via our Matthew 25 ministry, summer food pantry, annual coat drive, and other programs. Besides the work we do locally, the church supports a number of missionaries who are active in spreading the gospel on three continents. Many members regularly take trips to Belize to assist our missionaries there in the work of the church, and other members are involved in a variety of foreign missions which the church supports as they have need.
We here at the Beebe church of Christ are eager to invite you to work and worship with us in the service of our Lord Jesus, and we encourage you to ask any questions that you may have. You will find a list of the elders and ministers in the bulletins located in the foyer and on our website along with their contact information. It is our prayer that you will find here in this church a faithful group of disciples with an unwavering commitment to the truth of the gospel, a spiritual family of loving people who care about you, and a Spirit-led community of faith devoted to the worship and service of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, the Lord who called Abraham and promised to bless all nations through his offspring, who delivered Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand and gave them the Law through Moses to light their way, who anointed David in order to establish a kingdom that would never end, who raised up the prophets to preach both judgment and salvation, who so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that whoever believes in him might have eternal life: a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger,
and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, who, being in very nature God, emptied himself, born of Mary and baptized by John in the Jordan River to unite himself to the creation, who in word and deed fulfilled the prophets’ promise of the coming kingdom, who—though sinless—was crucified, died, and was buried, and on the third day was raised, who ascended to the Father and is reigning now at the right hand of God, who shall come to judge the living and the dead: the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and the Giver of Life, who brooded over the waters at creation, who overshadowed Mary’s womb, who descended on Christ at his baptism to guide and empower him in his life, death, and resurrection, who fell like fire on the apostles at Pentecost, who inspired the Scriptures, who provides strength and direction to the Church, who is given to you by God in this baptism to sanctify you, to seal you in Christ, and to dwell within you as the pledge of your inheritance: God forever, glorious in splendor and might.
With all Christians, we believe in the one true God who is revealed by his Holy Spirit in the goodness of creation, in the words of inspired prophets and biblical writers, in the worship and shared life of his chosen people, and most fully and completely in Jesus Christ. To him be glory and honor forever and ever.
We believe that God our Father is the creator of all things visible and invisible and that in him “all things live and move and have their being.” This God chose to reveal himself to the people of Israel, to call them and to save them, to make everlasting covenants of love and faithfulness with them, and through them to bless all nations of the earth.
We believe that the eternal Word of God was made flesh by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin, Mary and lived among us as the human, Jesus of Nazareth. We confess that Jesus is the Son of God, light from light, true God from true God, of the same nature as the Father, and that he is also fully human, like us in every way except without sin and thereby able to serve as our great high priest. He made manifest the Kingdom of God in his sinless life and earthly ministry by teaching, healing, and overcoming evil wherever he went. But he was rejected and crucified. He died and was buried, but on the third day, he rose again from the dead and appeared to many, just as God had indicated in the Scriptures. By his death and resurrection, he demonstrated the perfect love of God, paid the debt for all sin, and defeated the powers of death and evil. For forty days thereafter, he presented himself alive to his apostles, eating with them, walking with them, and speaking about the Kingdom of God which shall have no end. He then ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God, his Father where he reigns as Lord and King. He has promised that he will return again to judge both the living and the dead.
We believe that God has not left us alone but has sent us the Holy Spirit, God’s personal presence, the Lord, and giver of life, the blessed seal of our salvation, by whom we are made holy. The Spirit of God dwells within us, convicting us of sin, bearing the fruits of virtue and godliness in our lives, and empowering us in the face of suffering.
We believe in the one holy universal Church established by Christ, founded upon the apostolic teaching, and enduring forever. The Church acknowledges one baptism for the remission of sins and one holy meal wherein we remember Christ, commune with him, and proclaim his death until he comes again. We proclaim the resurrection of the dead and the renewal of all things in the world to come, and we see this hope made real in us today by the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church. Though false teachings, immorality, and divisions have plagued her from the earliest years, the Church nevertheless remains the radiant bride of Christ whom he washes and cleanses from every stain until she is perfected and glorified with Him.
Christian Unity
Churches of Christ are a non-denominational group of Christians. The special plea of the Restoration Movement, of which churches of Christ are a part, is for Christians to unify around the clear teachings at the heart of the Scriptures in order to overcome the denominational divisions into which the Church had splintered. Presbyterians like Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone renounced their denominational titles and loyalties and claimed to be “Christians only” without claiming to be “the only Christians.” That is, they did not deny the authentic faith of other Christian groups, but they did call them to band together and be simply Christians. Though we appreciate the faith and ministry of the leaders in the Restoration Movement and though we acknowledge and honor the tradition from which we come, our identity as a church is not rooted in Campbell or Stone but in Christ and the apostles. We encourage those of other traditions within Christianity to follow this example – honoring our particular histories and fathers in the faith, but claiming no name or mark of identity other than Christ and the gospel.
Churches of Christ believe in the power of the Bible to unite Christians and we have emphasized the simplicity and clarity of the biblical message while acknowledging and appreciating its complexity and depth. Scripture is like a sparkling mountain lake – so clear that its contents are readily available to anyone who looks within it, but so deep that one could peer into it for a lifetime and never see the bottom. We believe that the simple message of the gospel has the power to unite all Christians together even as it allows for diversity of opinions on issues which are not core to the Christian faith, so a maxim honored in our movement has been, “In matters of doctrine, let there be unity. In matters of opinion, let there be liberty. In all things, let there be love.”
Simplicity in Worship
This emphasis on the Bible and simplicity extends to our worship services as well. We do not have a collection of prescribed prayers, but encourage all members to speak to God faithfully, humbly, and simply from the heart. Sermons are drawn from the biblical text and seek to connect the message of Scripture with our lives today. Most noticeable to visitors is our simple congregational singing. We do not use instrumental accompaniment with our singing but follow the example of the early church by “speaking to one another in songs, hymns, and spiritual songs.” The emphasis in the New Testament is placed upon the words we sing and the hearts from which we make melody to the Lord. Thus, we call for all of the congregation to sing together and to sing from the heart. Though an orchestra or a choir could surely create music which the world would appreciate more, we believe that there is nothing more beautiful than all of God’s people – whether they are gifted singers or not – joining their voices together worshipping God and encouraging one another in song.
The Importance of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Baptism, a word which means to immerse in water, is one of the two most sacred ritual acts in which Christians participate. Paul teaches us in the book of Romans that baptism both symbolizes and enacts a death, burial and resurrection. It is the rite by which the new Christian is united to Christ’s death and resurrection by dying to himself or herself and being raised again to a new life in Christ. Jesus told us that we must all be born again of water and the Spirit if we are to see the Kingdom of God. Baptism is that new birth to which he refers. In the first gospel sermon, Peter told those who wished to be saved to, “repent and be baptized every one of you for the remission of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” In his first epistle, Peter writes that we are saved by baptism, not simply because it washes our bodies, but because it is our pledge and covenant with God. Thus, when a person wishes to put on Christ in baptism, he or she also makes a public confession of Christ’s lordship and a commitment to him. But baptism is much more than simply a symbol of our own submission to Christ. It is a real and effective encounter with him. The waters carry no special power or significance in and of themselves, but God in Christ makes himself present in the waters of baptism by the power of the Spirit and accomplishes the saving work for the new Christian there.
The second sacred ritual of the Church is called by many names – the breaking of bread, communion, the Lord’s Supper, and Eucharist, as well as many others. In it, Christians eat unleavened bread and drink “the fruit of the vine “ (wine or grape juice) in remembrance of Jesus just as he commanded his disciples to do. In churches of Christ, all of those who have put on Christ in baptism take communion every Sunday. It is a meal which feeds the soul rather than the body, a holy memorial in which we think back to the cross and the sacrifice that Jesus made there. It is also, as Paul teaches, a participation in the body and blood of Christ. That is, Christ joins us as we take the elements of the Lord’s Supper uniting us to himself and to each other. In taking the Lord’s Supper, Christians show Christ’s death to themselves and to the world until he comes again.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are holy rituals which show forth the gospel message of Christ’s death and resurrection, unite believers to the Lord, and sustain the life of the Church. Churches of Christ place a strong emphasis on them in our teaching and preaching as well as in our regular worship services. And so, every Lord’s Day we partake of communion and extend an invitation to anyone who wishes to be baptized.
Church Leadership
Churches of Christ are led by local elders who are also called shepherds, pastors, bishops, or overseers. There is no central governing body or office which exerts control over multiple congregations. Rather, like the earliest churches we find in Scripture, each congregation is led by those godly men who are, “above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, gentle, peace-loving, and generous.” These leaders must demonstrate godly management of their own households and must not be new converts to the faith. The elders oversee their congregation’s spiritual growth as well as the needs and business that accompany the sustaining of any large organization. They come together regularly as a body to pray, to meet with members or interested visitors, and to address issues pertinent to the congregation.
Other leaders in the congregation include deacons (servants who work with and under the elders to carry out the ministries of the local church), the preacher, and the youth minister. The preacher has the responsibilities of evangelizing, teaching, encouraging, and exhorting the congregation. He may also serve as an elder or deacon. Though many preachers in churches of Christ have full-time jobs outside of church, generally the preacher’s career is devoted to ministry, and he is therefore available for personal Bible studies, counseling, etc. throughout the week. Depending on the size and needs of an individual congregation, the church may also employ ministers for youth, singles, families, outreach, etc.
While those holding a particular office and meeting a specific set of qualifications lead the church, we believe in the priesthood of all believers. All Christians are called to active involvement in the work of the church whether that be spreading the gospel, serving those in need, visiting the sick and those in prison, or setting an example of godliness in the community. Many of the members of our congregations who hold no particular office serve as teachers in our Bible classes, servants in the congregation and the community, and leaders during our worship assemblies.
Our church family here at Beebe
We have a number of ministries and programs which are ongoing here at the Beebe church of Christ. We offer Bible classes for all ages every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. The goal of our education program is to help both children and adults to know, understand, and live out the word of God more completely. We have wonderful youth programs. The T.F.F.S. group is for those in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades and the 7ups is for students in 7th through 12th grades. We are also involved in benevolence work in the community via our Matthew 25 ministry, summer food pantry, annual coat drive, and other programs. Besides the work we do locally, the church supports a number of missionaries who are active in spreading the gospel on three continents. Many members regularly take trips to Belize to assist our missionaries there in the work of the church, and other members are involved in a variety of foreign missions which the church supports as they have need.
We here at the Beebe church of Christ are eager to invite you to work and worship with us in the service of our Lord Jesus, and we encourage you to ask any questions that you may have. You will find a list of the elders and ministers in the bulletins located in the foyer and on our website along with their contact information. It is our prayer that you will find here in this church a faithful group of disciples with an unwavering commitment to the truth of the gospel, a spiritual family of loving people who care about you, and a Spirit-led community of faith devoted to the worship and service of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.